How it all began

Purchil Investments was established in 2021 to exclusively manage the assets of a single family office. As independent investors with a stable capital base, we have a singular mission: to deliver sustainable long-term growth through capital appreciation.

What makes us unique

Our stable ownership structure gives us a unique advantage over other asset managers. Unconstrained by short-term noise or performance targets, we can afford to be genuine long-term investors. We are firm believers in the power of compounding, and we stand by what we preach.



Our investment approach

We know that exceptional businesses are rare and take time to build, and that the greatest value accrues to those investors that are able to own growth assets over long periods of time.

That is why we work hard to identify unique companies that can deliver sustainable long-term growth. And when we find those rare gems, we hold on to them.



Investing with meaning

At Purchil Investments, investing goes beyond numbers. As capital allocators, we are humbled by the opportunity to fund real businesses that make an impact. From robotic surgery to gene therapy, we invest with purpose.