Investing in growth

As dedicated wealth managers for a single family office, we have an exclusive mission: to deliver material and sustainable capital growth over the long term.

We do that by investing in a portfolio of exceptional companies that are uniquely positioned to generate durable earnings growth over the long term.



Time: our best-kept secret

We know great businesses take time to build. That is why we give our companies time to unleash their full potential.

Our stable ownership structure allows us to take a long-term approach to equity investing, helping us reap the full benefits of compounding. We are not just investors, we are owners.

Our investment process

We take a conviction-led approach to investing, based on rigorous research, original thinking, and open debate. We base our investment process around four key pillars:

We are owners.

We go to great lengths to identify companies with sustainable growth prospects that are anchored by a unique set of competitive advantages.

As owners, we concentrate our analytic efforts in evaluating the potential of a firm across its entire life cycle. We value lifetime prospects, not just medium-term opportunities.

We invest, we do not speculate.

We are disciplined to constrain our investments to those opportunities we believe are likely to deliver a favourable return with limited risk of capital erosion over the duration of our investment horizon.

We let time work in our favour.

We take an incremental approach to capital allocation based on validated insights. We are stable long-term partners to a rare breed of firms with outsized growth potential. Our patience and commitment allows us to reap the compounded benefits of earnings growth over the long term.

We believe in diversification.

Diversification enhances the quality of our capital allocation. It gives us the flexibility to build high conviction positions without exposing our portfolio to concentrated risks.

Focused on fundamentals

We base our investment decisions on thorough industry knowledge and analytical insight. Our investment team goes to great lengths to gain an in-depth understanding of industry trends and company fundamentals. We seek to be constantly learning, debating, and generating new ideas.